How much to convert to Roth?
“I still don’t know what to do!” My husband said to me after reading my previous blog Roth Conversion: Is it a Good Idea? I intended to write a sequel on this topic, but with Thanksgiving and December quickly approaching, time has been flying by like a rocket, and I’ve been hardly able to find a spare moment. As Roth conversion needs to be done by the end of December, there's not much time left for 2024. So let’s dive in. The only certainty in life is the uncertainty of not knowing what tomorrow holds. If death comes unexpectedly early, a traditional IRA or 401(k) could drop a tax bomb without a proper estate planning. Let’s assume a man with $1 million in 401(k) who passed away at 62 just before his retirement. How this inheritance would work can be different depending on its beneficiaries. Spouse Beneficiary Options: Roll Over to Own Account: The spouse can roll the inherited 401(k) into their own 401(k) or IRA. This option allows the funds to continue growing tax-deferr...